www.horse.com www.horsemanship101.com www.lighthandshorsemanship.comwww.parelli.comwww.DownUnderHorsemanship.comwww.John Lyons.comwww.HammerFit.com
Favorite places to shop :)www.TonysTack.comwww.GuysFarmandYard.comthese are fun! my horses love them!!www.bonniessavvyrythms.com
Natural Horsemanship Center of Vermont @ New Horizons Farm 72 Indian Brook Road Essex Jct., Vermont 05452 Rosemary E. Root AQHA Professional Horsewoman----> BETTER RIDER ----> BETTER HORSE --->Natural Horsemanship - Dressage -Western Dressage - Western - Hunter - English - Reining 802 878-8683 e-mail AmQtrHorse@aol.com
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